Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Vacation

This is a blog post on my vacation.  Now this will be like a series, each day of my vacation will be a new blog post (it was 3 days long).  On my vacation I went down-hill biking, and cave hiking.  Also at the end of the blog post there will be a photo dump!

The first day we did not really do any thing just a few thing here and there but here are some pictures.

This is just one of many great views in West Virginia.

How did you like that post was it✔️or
Are you going on a vacation this year?
Or did you already?  Where did you go?
Leave a comment and follow if you have not yet!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So you never when on a vacation?
      Thanks about the pictures.
      The next post will be beter because that is the day We went in the cave!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This vacation my unkle invited us to come with him (and lm glad he did!)

  3. This is soo cool Justin!
    I'm about to go visit some relatives in Arkansas in less then a week, then we leave again for a competition and 2 days later we leave for Wisconsin!
