Monday, May 14, 2018

The Trap Switch

I call this The Trap Switch.  I'll tell you why, in our room we have a 3 person bunk bed that is where my brothers and I sleep and when we go to bed we have to tell our little brother to turn off the light. Sometimes he does not and we sleep with the light on all night.  So I extended it so each of us can turn it off.

So if you look at this picture you will see there is a string to the light switch and a sting leaving.
To explain it easier I am going to name the one that leaves Bob and the one that goes to the light switch Joe.

If you pull on Bob, it will set off the trap and pull on Joe and turn off the light.  Bob goes to the bunk beds so now all we have to do is pull a string!

This is a joke I said: now when you sneeze too close to the bunk bed the light turns off!   lol

How did you like that post was it ✔️or
Do you do this kind of stuff when you are bored? 
Now are you calling your Dad to tell him to pick up some mouse traps on his way home from work? 


  1. That's very innovative of y'all! Great job.

  2. Replies
    1. Ya it is so nice to just flick a string to turn off the light

  3. Good, you did this post! :P

    Lily @

  4. I've seen something like that done!
    I want to do that with my room the only problem is. Is that my bed and the light switch are on opposite sides of the room......

    1. Our beds are far to but the string follows the wall and goes to the bed

    2. Ya I don't know I have a lot of stuff in my room it's probably gonna stay a dream of stuff to do to my room
