Wednesday, July 18, 2018

New Knives

I know I am doing a series on my vacation right now but I am taking a break and doing a blog post on my new knife. 
If you read my blog post then you are all ready familiar with my knives but I got some new ones and here they are.

I now have 13 knives!

1st Knife I call it my Justin knife.
I got it not for its quality but because it had my name on it.
I got it from the one cave we went to called "Lost World Caverns".
The next knife is called, well I never called it any thing besides my pocket knife 
It might look really wore down but that is just because I have used it a lot since I got it.
I can get it fairly sharp too.

How did you like that post was it ✔️or
How many knives do you have?
Do you have any knives?
Do you carry them with you everywhere?
Do you feel useless when you do not have them? I do 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Day 2 of Vacation

For Day 2 we hiked in some caves.

Fact: in 1971 Bob Addis a local cave explorer sat on this stalagmite for 22 days 25 hours 22min long. WOW! Now that is long a long time to sit on a stalagmite!
Photo Dump!

This is a stalagmite that looks like a Christmas tree. ↓
This how dark it was in there ↓

How did you like that post was it ✔️or
Have you ever went caving? 
Do you like photo dumps? 
Leave a comment and follow if you have not yet!
By: Justin 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Vacation

This is a blog post on my vacation.  Now this will be like a series, each day of my vacation will be a new blog post (it was 3 days long).  On my vacation I went down-hill biking, and cave hiking.  Also at the end of the blog post there will be a photo dump!

The first day we did not really do any thing just a few thing here and there but here are some pictures.

This is just one of many great views in West Virginia.

How did you like that post was it✔️or
Are you going on a vacation this year?
Or did you already?  Where did you go?
Leave a comment and follow if you have not yet!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Camping Trip

It's that camping time of year and I am thinking about camping! This is a blog post telling what you should bring to every camp out.
Feel free to change this list to your needs...

Things to Bring:

1.    Something to sleep in

2.    Sleeping bag

3.    Doo-dads, flashlight, knifes, bug spray, etc. etc.

4.    Food  

5.    Fun things

6.    BB gun

7.    Water (optional)

8.    You

9.    Sense of humor

Things to look forward to:

·       Setting up the tents

·       Eating! a lot of camp food! Yes, I am a teen so that means it might be the best of all things to do!

·       Sitting around the camp fire telling scary stories.  So be ready with a scary story to tell.

·       Waking up to the sound of the tent zipper and the birds in the morning.

How did you like that post was it ✔️or
Are you going camping with some friends this summer? you should.
Did this help you plan your camping trip?
By the way, I might be doing another blog post today, just because this one is really short. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


This is a DIY post Amelia said I should do.
You will need: 1: 20 gage shot gun shell, 1: 12 gage shot gun shell,
1 small chain↓, and stuff to put in it.

  •  You will need to push the primer pin out (this is quite easy) just stick something long and hard in the back of the shell (on the primer pin) then hammer →

  • So now you need to put the chain through the primer pin hole then put some thing to stop it from going straight through                                                                                                   Then put a key ring on the other end↓

  • warning do not put the chain on the 12 gage because the 20 gage is heavier (when you put every thing in it.) and it will fall out of the 12 gage.
  • Next you just put everything in it 

The Flower: This is how to make the flower 

You will need 1: 20 or 12 gage shot gun shell and a knife 

First you need to cut it in half, then cut it in half (long ways) like in the picture below 

Do that 4 times so you cut it in 8 slices.  Make sure you cut it all the way to the mettle (if you don't under stand you will when you make it.)

Now bend the yellow or red part back and bend the white part in.  You should see the flower start to form.

Now cut the peddles to your chosen length, then round them. 

That is it. I hope you like it. I know it is not a video, but with summer her I had no time to do a video.
How did you like that post was it ✔️or
Now are you going to make one of these?
tell me how it terns out!