Thursday, March 29, 2018

My New Axe

Image result for survival fort made out of lodges in the wild

I got an axe last week. It is the best tool for building a good fort. With an axe you can build a fort like this...
Instead of this →Image result for survival fort made out of twigs in the wild  Now there is nothing wrong with this fort but it will last longer if you have bigger sticks or even better logs.
This is what my axe looks like...

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by: Justin 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Man In The Woods Part 2

My last post was called "A Man in the Woods" this post is called "A Man in the Woods" Part 2. So here is "The Man in the Woods" Part 2.  We left off one year in and Buckskin just woke up and walked out of his log cabin to sharpen his axe and knife on a rock. He now uses it as a sharping stone. As he looks down the path that leads to the pond, which leads to a creek, which leads to the local town, he sees a man walking up the path. "Hi" the man says "How is it going?  You have quite the place here!" (It was Buckskin's dad) "Ya, let me give you a tour!" they walked in the door of the cabin. To the left is his bed and to the right is the woodstove and stovetop.  On top of the door is his axe and gun (22) for hunting game. The back wall is his table for quartering the meat and slicing wild vegetables, such as cattails, wild onions, and such. Outside he has an oven made out of rock and a grill made from a hole in the ground.
Back to the story... He grabs his fishing rod, which was leaning by the door, to go fishing with his Dad.  They sat on the dock and caught a lot of fish. It is five and a half miles up here from the town.  Dad was tired so he took a nap on his bed. Buckskin cooked the fish for breakfast. They split some firewood and then went for a hike. First they hiked to the town to get some supplies. Then to the view that Buckskin saw when he decided he was going to live there. He loved it!  They ended up hiking the rest of the day.
As they were eating dinner, he said "So what made you come up here today?" 
Then he breaks the news to Buckskin  "I'm living here with you."
Buckskin asked "What about Mom?" 
"She will come up too once I get a house built for us."
One whole month has gone by since that time.  They just got done with the cabin and Dad is leaving to get Mom. When you open the door to Dad and Mom's cabin the table is on the left, the wood and the woodstove is on the right.  The back wall has a door that goes to their room and in the room is a bed.
His Dad got back and lived happily ever after.
Now Buckskin is old and his hair is white and he still lives in the hills of the Allegheny but he has lots of memories, most good but some bad.

How did you like that one was it ✔or❌
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By: Justin 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A story of a man in the woods


Have you ever heard of a man called... well most people called him Buck Skin because he was always dressed in buck skins. This man is now old but in his day he was a man of dreams.

When he was a kid he always loved the woods but sometimes he was afraid of the woods. He would always plan all these camping trips go out but he would be back by dark. One day he went to the Allegheny forest, way in the middle, he could not find his way back in the dark. So he could not come back. He left his home in the city and hitch-hiked all the way out to the Allegheny forest. Finally he got out of the last car he would see for a long time. He hiked far into the woods, way past civilization, into the wilderness.
    It was now getting dark and he still did not get a fire going. He was using his flint and steel his grandfather gave him when he was planning the trip. Only him and his grandparents knew he was leaving because he thought he should tell someone, someone that would not keep him from going. His Grandpa said every young man should have a dream and if it is pleasing to God then do it and with that he closed his eyes to try to sleep but sleep just didn't come. He heard a stick snap in the distance and a chill ran down his back, then he heard a screech owl. He was trying to go to sleep but he couldn't, so he tried to start a fire again . He tried but he was so tired he fell asleep in the process. It was now morning, he could smell the smell of the flowers and hear the song of a robin in his ear.  He was feeling pretty good about all this. He jumped to his feet to see what was around him. When he came to a beautiful view! He loved this land so much he decided he would live there the rest of his life.

Image result for cliff in the forest

Well that is it for this blog post. I will be doing another soon and I hope you liked it. 
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By: Justin 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Our New Fort

So on our Saturdays when we are not busy we grab our hiking backpacks and go for a hike. A few days ago we were hiking and we saw a perfect camping place so we made a nice fort there.
This is a before picture of where we put our fort.

And this is an after picture of the fort 
This is another after picture of it  

I built the fort when Trent and Levi explored. To the right of the picture is a beaver dam and there is a waterfall. (Have you ever slept while hearing the trickling of a waterfall? It is so neat!)

There is a large amount of clay nearby, so we made a lot of pots. 

How to make a clay pot:
#1 get the clay 
#2 make the shape you find fit for it 
#3 start a fire
#4 make a hot bed of coals and bury the pot in the hot coals
#5 once it is hard, take it out and use it for your desired purpose 
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By: Justin

Monday, March 12, 2018

A taste of breakfast

Some mornings ago I made a breakfast. One thing in that breakfast was home made French-fries. I also made sausage.  I'm going to show you how I made them so if you want to have a good breakfast you can have one too.

So first things first, cut the potatoes. I left the skin on but you can take it off if you want to.
Put a lot of grease in the pan (I recommend doing it in a cast iron pan). Throw those potatoes in the pan and turn the burner on medium high. Put a lid on it and wait.⏰ Now go over and stir it. Keep doing that till it is a little crispy.  At this point you need to put your seasonings on, for this I just put on all-seasoning salt and just plain salt. Also, if you like vinegar on your French-fries then put the vinegar in now it tastes a lot better and that is coming from a person that does not like vinegar!
Okay!  So when that is done turn the burner down for now. Oh! You need to stir more often so it dose not burn. You want it to crisp not burn!  When you think it is done, make the sausage. Eat and enjoy!!

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By: Justin

Friday, March 9, 2018

washing my chicken

Before I go to the fair, I wash my chicken. For this blog I am going to have many pictures of me washing my chicken in the past and like always, I'll write about it too. 
 I think a good blog post should have a lot of pictures.

                                                              Lets start with this. 
                                                              This is my chicken. ➝

That is enough, now lets talk about how to do it.

You need 3 buckets (or I used totes) and fill with luke warm water. 1st bucket add dish soap. Put it in first, then the water.

This bucket is your rinse bucket so you just put in plain water. 

This bucket is your shine bucket. Vinegar is what you put in this bucket. 1cup vinegar for every 1 gallon water.

Now it is time to wash.  To wash it, put it in and plunge the chicken up and down. Then move to step five.

In the fifth bucket (or tote) do the same thing.


Shine bucket Warning: DO NOT PLUNGE THE CHICKEN IN THE WATER in this bucket you sprinkle the water on it.


Now take a towel to dry it PAT IT, DO NOT RUB, IF YOU DO RUB THE FEATHERS WILL BREAK and that would be bad!


I have provided a video below for you if you care to watch it.
Did you watch the video. 
Have you ever washed a chicken.
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