Monday, April 30, 2018

Photo Dump

This is a photo dump. I have never done a photo dump before so I might not be too good at it.
I seen a blog post that my sister Lily did from ~ lilymaesday ~ and it was a photo dump.  So here it is!
I won a prize at the trapping school for the 2nd best person to set a coyote trap. 

This is a picture of a thing I made.  There is no glue on it.  It is balanced.

↓this is another one I made ↓

↓(This is when we had a sleep over at our house)↓

↓(These are pictures of my chickens taking a dust bath.)↓

↓(one chicken)↓

↓(My knife by a game we have)↓

bowling with family 

↓(My chickens)↓
↓(My turkeys )↓

This is my dog swimming 

This is how he dries off. 

How did you like that blog post was it ✔️or❌?
Do you have turkeys?
Do you trap?
Leave a comment and follow if you have not yet.
By: Justin 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the balanced blocks. We have Jenga blocks that we never play Jenga with but use for lots of building. Nice pictures.

  3. I don't normally know what to comment because I see you 24/7. But I know you like comments so here you go! =D

    Lily @

  4. Wow looks like you have a good life LOL

  5. Nice pictures! I did have Turkeys about maybe two years ago.
